UK Hip Hop pioneer Derek B passed away from a heart attack in the early hours of this morning. For those that dont know, he was the first UK rapper - and one of the first rappers - to perform on Top Of The Pops, had a series of big singles around 88-89 and was the first UK artist to be signed to Russell Simmons' Rush Management company (home to Public Enemy, LL Cool J and Run DMC).
He was definitely a favourite of mine when I was growing up and I was fortunate enough to meet him a couple of years ago when he was selling off some of his vinyl. He came across as a nice bloke and even bust a verse of 'Bad Young Brother' acapella for me and my mate!
Condolences to his family.
R.I.P Derek B. First time I heard this cat was back when Run D.M.C dropped that Xmas joint. He actually had one of the better Xmas cuts on there if you are really listening seems Profile was ready for the UK however others hadn't recognized!! He has put out some dope stuff over the years and is probably one of the Ice T of the UK meaning that when i think of UK hip hop I think of Derek B.
ReplyDeleteStrangley, it was just recently I had been discussing Derek B on a forum and it's kinda shocking to hear that the man has passed away. Too many Hip Hop pioneers have passed on in '09, respect to all those that are reachin' that jam in the sky.
ReplyDeleteR.I.P Derek B. I've got the bullet from a gun album with him and EZQ somewhere on a bootleg tape in my moms house. I listened to this one a lot. Got it on a whim too. My first real intro to British Hip hop. This more than held its own against the American artists of that era in my opinion.
ReplyDeleteI was with Derek at the start of his career as the shining pioner star of rap! now acknowleged, so sadly to late!!!
ReplyDeleteHelping him write lyrics for his creative productions.
I am glad he has had the acknowledgement he desiverd, but I always thought it was never enough then, and I am sad to see so much recogintion now. A true creative star that did shine so much for me in the 80's but never stoped shining !!!!!!!!!!! Pretty xx
Yo jdid, Derek B and EZQ where the two different alter ego's of the same person, Derek Boland. Show's ya what a pioneer he was, beating Shock G's Humpty Hump persona by a coupla years. Even after all this time some folk still haven't realised Derek's subterfuge. MAXIMUM REEEEESPEK TO THE BONE!!!!
ReplyDeleteRIP Derek B, pioneering emcee, producer, DJ and bad young brother. A humble, talented cat. He will be missed but his legacy will live on.
ReplyDeleteMy first exposure to Derek B. was the track 'You've got to Look Up'. When I first heard the thirty seconds of that song from the VanillaIce.com website, I was blown away and I dedicated years of my life to trying to find that mp3, but to no avail. Finally, someone had it uploaded and when I got to hear the song in it's entirety, I was speechless. Derek B. really knew how to bust the lyrics on that track and I'm currently looking for the remixes to his work.
ReplyDeleteDerek was a fantastic MC and it's a shame that he left us so soon. Really would've loved to see what else he could've come up with. Derek, the entire house community and all of your fans will miss you...me most of all. We'll never forget your words of wisdom: 'You've got to Look Up!'