Friday, 4 September 2015

DJ Riz on Hot 97 (2015)

Hot 97 took a break from being terrible to let DJ Riz get busy for an hour last week. The man is a beast. He has the acapella for I Got Cha Opin for starters. Nice to hear a mix with the Hot 97 drops after all this time too. "The beat was s'posed to drop right there..."

Download at Riz's Facebook page

The more astute of you might notice that parts of this (specifically the opening section) are pretty much identical to the live club set of his I posted back in 2010. Still dope regardless.

DJ 7L & Frank The Butcher present 'Its The Roc' original samples mix (2015)

DJ 7L & Frank The Butcher follow their dope mix of Bad Boy's original samples with this Rocafella themed set. So soulful mane...