Tuesday, 29 June 2010

"Dont call it a comeback..."

I know that recently I said that the posts would be more regular now I had the new laptop hooked up but the weather has been way too good to be inside ripping tapes and blogging!
My apartment gets insanely hot in the summer so the less I'm there the better. Other excuses on my list involve work, women, beer, barbeques and the World Cup. This heat never lasts long in the UK though so normal service will be resumed soon!


  1. Writing posts during work (providing you have an office job) for the win. It makes you feel like you're getting paid to indulge your own whims and interests.

  2. Unfortunately I've got restricted net access at my desk and cant get on blogger, otherwise you'd probably be seeing 2 posts a day!

  3. As everyone from the UK knows, you've got to make the most of the good weather when you get some ! Don't sweat it ! (pun intended) We know you'll be back with the dope posts soon.

  4. Feel you on the beer and heat excuses completely. Also agree on the women part, except my woman makes me have to get out of the house and away from her during this heat(or any other weather, really)..... to see other bitches. Lol..No worries, we'll follow no matter what the time is between posts.

    And I can't get on blogger (or even see most of the 'images' at phila) at work either.

  5. Have fun & do your thing !!

  6. Now that the Cup is over, you need to find a new excuse.
