New set of blends courtesy of
Vaporized, using G Rap & Chino XL acapellas over samples from Sylvia Striplin's 'Give Me Your Love' album
Live And Let Live
Foul Cats
No Complex
Lifestyles Of The Rich And Famous
Can't Stop The Shine
Bout That ft.Ma Barker
If anyone out there can help him out and provide the acapellas for Nas' 'Nastradamus' album, get in touch!
Don't know how to do rar.yet,new to this.but not the culture,5mins. on site i helped mindgames idGroundFloor's ONE.TWO&gave fam dig on that bside info!I have a vinyl store,i'll help you w/acapella's.I'm not about conditional love,however as just on the luv-luv,or show of good faith,can someone put this in a zip please,i'm also looking for NAS/PRIMO joint Pre-matic&the 9th Wonder GOD'S Stepson,&the one DOOM did w/MadeYouLook,w/MFDOOM's1st release as MetalFACE FondlemRecord's "Rhymes like Dimes"if interested write back,and i'll drop you my email.and some Stretch&Bob treats,thanks great i'm doing this from a BethIsrael hospital bed....peace*****ETHEX*****UZN,RSC,TVS